
DIST – Politecnico di Torino
Sara Monaci – Concept and subject
Caterina Mazza, Gabriella Taddeo – Target Profiling and media planning
Sara Monaci, Caterina Mazza – Social media storytelling

Alessandra Russo Suppini – Communication strategy
Silvio d’Alò – Production general manager

Web site
·      Giancarlo Cagliero – Art direction
·      Elisabetta Balboni, Massimiliano Cabodi – Web development

Social Campain
·      Alessandra Russo Suppini, Silvio d’Alò – Subject and screenplay
·      Renzo Pierantoni – Editing, videographic and compositing
·      TcRec – Audio recording e post production

·      Greta Galimberti – Shooting and video editing
·      Twin Pixel Video – Balon Mundial video clips           

Social media strategy
·      Alessandra Russo Suppini
·      Greta Galimberti
Furthermore, we would like to thank all the experts and practitioners who released the video- interviews available in the #heartofdarkness social media campaign. Their contributions were essential for an in-depth analysis of the core reasons related to violent radicalisation processes:

– Roberto Beneduce (Università di Torino);
– Marco Lombardi (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano);
– Tommaso Pozzato and Amer Altaie (Balon Mundial);
– Nico Prucha (University of Vienna);
– Julian Richards (University of Buckingham – UK);
– Farid Saïdane and Mohamed Habbouche (Le Plateau Mistral –Grenoble, FR);
– Lorenzo Vidino (George Washington University).

Finally, heartfelt thanks to the SAFFRON focus groups participants who helped us to identify the core topics of #heartofdarkness campaign. They are members of the following associations and institutions:

– Ars media Srl;
– ASAI (Associazione di Animazione Interculturale);
– AIA (Associazione Islamica delle Alpi);
– Balon Mundial;
– COREIS (Comunità Religiosa Islamica Italiana);
– Corriere della Sera; Fondazione OASIS di Milano;
– Giovani Musulmani Italiani;
– ISPI (Istituto per gli studi di politica internazionale);
– Le Plateau Mistral de Grenoble;
– Politecnico di Torino;
– UNICRI (United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute);
– Università di Torino;
– Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano.